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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

New African American Colonel Sanders Ad Sparks Outrage!

In an effort to target the African American demographic, KFC has launched a line of stores depicting a dark-skinned Colonel Sanders.

They have done this in locations that are heavily populated by minorities. Activists are outraged, yet the community is divided.

Some say it shows a progressive attitude in a society that is not racially diverse in their advertising.

"This reinforces the hurtful stereotypes that African Americans are chicken eating, watermelon lovers," Janiqua White of Alabama said during a protest in front of the local "Black" KFC as they are calling it.

A supporter had this to say, " This might be offensive and ignorant, but at least it is a step in the right direction, like when they started making Barbies and dolls of different colors than just white."

What are your thoughts?


  1. I have so appreciated this morning laugh to set my day off on the right foot.

  2. thanks for reading Grace-laughter is the best medicine for reality sickness:)


Spare the aliens a brain hack- Just say what's on your mind!